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Get 1% better at entrepreneurship, marketing or life. You choose.

🌶️A fresher way to create content that supports business goals

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living.

In The Marketing Room is one of the 3 parts of the newsletter. It covers marketing topics, marketing resources, and examples to inspire your marketing. And stuff in between that will interest you.

I am 3 weeks behind schedule in the newsletter. I'm stuck between publishing weekly to stick to the schedule and publishing only when I have something valuable to say.

Today's issue is proudly sponsored by Ovaloop. Create an easy eCommerce store for your product or clients in less than 5 minutes.

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🏪 Sell to your customers anywhere and anytime with an easy-to-build eCommerce store.

Break free from social media algorithms that limit your reach. Streamline your workflow by effortlessly setting up a detailed store in less than 5 minutes. Save time from endless DMs with leads. Diversify your sales strategy beyond social platforms. Sign for free

Sauce Of The Day:

Most start-ups don’t rely on content marketing to acquire their first customers. Others don’t believe content marketing drives customers.

I have spent some time studying how start-ups (eCommerce and SaaS) get their first customers. I learned that most start-ups don't:

  1. Rely so much on content marketing
  2. Understand how content attracts or retains customers
  3. Know how to use content to attract and retain customers.

During this (continuous) study, I figured that the issue isn't whether content is important for a business at any stage. But how to start content that supports business goals and how to do it right.

🗃️ Here's an earlier (brief) issue on how to do content right that supports sales.

Suitable for SaaS and eCommerce teams with at least 3–5 people in the marketing team:

How do you start with content in a way that supports business goals?

➝ Suitable for early teams starting with content marketing

➝ Formula for software, eCommerce, and B2B teams with a fair content budget.

1️⃣. Know your product better than anyone else. This will help you understand how content can help you promote and sell your services better.

Answer this:

  1. Why do we need content? [e.g.: increase organic reach, build a community, sell our offers easily]
  2. In what ways can content help us get customers or retain customers?
  3. How solid is the answer in “b"??
  4. If content can help us, what KPIs will be measured to track these strategies?
  5. Do these KPIs support the business goals for the next 6–12 months? If yes, by what percentage?

2️⃣. Create 2-3 primary content pillars that will govern your published topics. Select your pillars based on:

1. Audience pain points and solutions.

2. Product or service

3. Business


  1. What subject(s) do potential customers care about?
  2. What topics express their pain points and motivation to buy?
  3. Which of these subjects positions the business as a “problem solver”?
  4. What do keyword and audience research tools say about these ideas? [SEO research]

With these, generate content ideas in a spreadsheet or table.

Ways to generate ideas:

  1. Customer or user inquiries
  2. Product benefits
  3. SEO content research tools
  4. A strategist like me.

Do not use ChatGPT or other AI content tools until

  1. You know what you're doing
  2. You've found your content method
  3. You have data to qualify ideas from such tools.

Stressed out already with overthinking and trying to figure out how to go about these for your startup team?

3️⃣. Determine the content type.

Select based on your audience (customers). Will you publish?

1. Long-form blog content

2. Long-form social content

3. Podcasts;

5. Short-form content

Answer this:

  1. Which of the content will be outbound materials or organic materials?

4️⃣. What are the distribution channels?

(a.k.a., what content platforms are we creating for?). Select based on your

  1. Target audience.
  2. Business type.
  3. Team and budget.

➜ Connecting these with business goals:

Use this impact scoresheet [learned from Ahrefs and re-engineered with my brain]

Score 3: Does this content showcase my business or offer as an irreplaceable offer?

Score 2: Does this content showcase my business as an alternative offer?

Score 1: Does this content support the business goals in any other way? [Brand building, community, retention]

Ideas with 0 points should be discarded, as they may be irrelevant to your marketing.

➜Executing these ideas

Use this formula to execute and publish the qualified ideas:

1. What is the main problem?

2. What is the best solution to this problem?

3. What is the proof that this is the solution to the problem?

4. How do you apply this solution to the problem? {Including how you can do it for them}

Remember to test until you find your content method.

• Which of the content tips above do you find difficult to navigate? Reply to this email; I would love to help.

How To Use The Sauce:

A section to help you hit the ground running:

  1. Know your product better than anyone else.
  2. Select pillars based on your product, audience, and business goals.
  3. Generate ideas through SEO research, customer inquiries, and even a strategist like me.
  4. Qualify each idea through the impact scoresheet until you figure out what works.
  5. Test until you find your content method.

What's Hot?

Interesting and boring things to help you get better at marketing [resources and examples]:

🤼‍♀️ This AI tool writes content a lot better than ChatGPT and Wordtune. It also allows you to summarize blog posts, paraphrase words, and generate YouTube descriptions. Sign up for Text Cortex for free or its paid plan for as low as $5.59 per month. (Affiliate link, with no cost to you.)

👤 How to write LinkedIn posts that convert.

Writing for social media is a whole fresh game. Writing for LinkedIn and X differs from writing a newsletter, post, or case study. Consultants like me have been learning how to make our content work on these platforms. One thing I'll add: use hooks in everything; LinkedIn readers love hooks.

🌈 Build a brand, not just a business.

Branding is as important as sales, and I'm not talking colors and fonts. It's the messaging, uniqueness, style, story, and personality attached to your business. Build a brand; it makes marketing 2× times easier.

Quick one, what kind of marketing resources would you like to see?

The Other Spicy Things...

Shameless plug:

How to create a product-led content using as a case study, Watch the 10 minutes video on LinkedIn here.

Thank you for reading this newsletter. It's an honour to write to you.

Please forward this email to a friend or two.

Till the next issue,


Get 1% better at entrepreneurship, marketing or life. You choose.

I share content on entrepreneurship, marketing and better living. You get to decide the content you care about. Every other week, I send out an email that will help you either get better at business, marketing or help you live a better life. I also share 2-3 resources (discoveries) on these topics that may be helpful to you. The goal of every issue is you help you learn, relearn or unlearn on these topics. 100+ founders, marketers, and intentional individuals read them.

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