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🌶️ Random Business Resources You Need

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living.

The Business Tribe covers notes, lessons and conversations on entrepreneurship, stuff to help you get better at marketing and growing a business; with resources on business that you'd need. Read and share previous issues here.

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Notes For A Fellow Founder

Hey triber,

Life has been challenging since the last time I wrote. It felt like the world was testing my patience, but I have made it through that phase. That saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," is true.

Amid all this chaos, I have tried to stay learning. I've been slowly digging some resources across entrepreneurship and finance. And I'm so excited for the knowledge I gain that I can't gatekeep them.

Before we explore them, I want to share a common theme I learned in these past couple of weeks from the resources I have consumed.

Do the work.

That's one lesson that I have learned by studying and listening to some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs. It has become clear to me that as an entrepreneur, you cannot avoid the work. You must show up and you must do the work.

According to a podcast interview with Seth Godin, "If you want an easy life without much work, get a regular job."(Rephrased)

Entrepreneurship is bumpy, but that's the thrill of it. It means doing things the hard way and choosing to work even when your employees can't. And I'm so in for this ride. It's not rosy, it's not sweet, it's not easy, but it's better than a simple life.

To the topic of today…

Here are some random business-related resources I have consumed or saved in these past weeks:

  • Get One Thing Right, By Andy Dunn (Article):- Attempting to sell everything can lead to selling nothing. Many companies fail because they focus on getting many things right and end up getting nothing right. Take as much time as necessary to ensure that the first product is perfect and proven because if not, there will be no demand for the second product. Andy shares how focusing on one problem at a time led to the success of his e-commerce business.

  • From idea to launch: How to build a business from ground up (Podcast):- Hear from someone who has successfully built her own physical product business with happy customers. One thing I love about this episode is how she explained the application of these tips to her business and how it worked for her.

  • Why certain businesses don't get funded (Instagram reels):- Covers some things VCs look for before they invest in a business. For example, VCs like to play numbers games, they would always go for a bigger market and tech-inclined projects.

  • How to make creative entrepreneurship work, with Phoebe Robinson (Podcast):- Entrepreneurship is about showing up and doing the work, you can't run away from it. Phoebe explains how doing the work led to her success as an entrepreneur. She also provides useful advice on when and how to build a small team to help keep the business running and manage burnout.

  • Jay-Z’s autobiography (Podcast):- If you pay attention to only one resource from this newsletter, let it be this one. It's a 2-hour+ episode on how Jay-Z built his empire from the ground up by betting on himself and doing the work. I am halfway through the episode and there is a lot to take in. I might even write a whole newsletter about it. But the one key point that stuck with me is, to bet on yourself, your business lives and dies with you as an entrepreneur.
  • Why do start-ups fail? (Quora post):- What do you think start-ups need most? Help or money? This post has a list of 20 reasons (according to %) why many start-ups fail. No market need (42%), running out of cash (29%) and not the right team (23%) give me anxiety when I think about them, and are sadly the most common reasons.

Kindly let me know which resource you click by replying to this email. I'll share more resources with you over time.

We're seeking new guests for the tribe; kindly refer a guest to us. We want to chat with entrepreneurs with a minimum of 4 years of business experience

To doing the work,

Gigii 🥂

Get 1% better at entrepreneurship, marketing or life. You choose.

I share content on entrepreneurship, marketing and better living. You get to decide the content you care about. Every other week, I send out an email that will help you either get better at business, marketing or help you live a better life. I also share 2-3 resources (discoveries) on these topics that may be helpful to you. The goal of every issue is you help you learn, relearn or unlearn on these topics. 100+ founders, marketers, and intentional individuals read them.

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