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🌶️ What does a good life mean to you?


I've noticed a common thread among many public figures and idols: “More money” isn't exactly the problem behind their unhappiness. Instead, it's because, during their lives and hard pursuit of more money, they forgot or neglected other areas of their lives until it was too late—or at least until they felt it was too late.

Let's be clear: money doesn't exactly buy happiness, but it sure makes life easier. Money makes life feel better. However, it's not about acquiring more material things, but using it as a resource to fuel the other areas of your life.

I've had a couple of conversations with some young people living very comfortably with a couple of bucks to their names. Surprisingly, I learned that there's often a big hole of emptiness inside them. When I pushed the conversation further, I figured out that other areas of their lives aren't nurtured.

This issue isn't limited to the wealthy; it applies to the average human too. A person might be doing perfectly well in their social life but lack purpose, a sense of direction, or even hope. You learn that they may have neglected their spiritual (not exactly religion) or mental life at some point, or failed to nurture it accordingly.

Balancing different aspects of life include:

1. Financial well-being

2. Physical health

3. Mental and emotional health

4. Spiritual growth

5. Social connections

6. Personal development

7. Sense of purpose

By focusing on these various areas, we might find a more holistic approach to happiness, using money as a tool rather than the end goal.

At the end of this piece, I'd love to hear from you. What does a good life mean to you? I'm curious and would love to know. I will be reading your replies with an open mind. Please reply to this email with your answers. [If you are reading the web version, please send me an email at]


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Have you ever thought about what life would be like if your spiritual, physical, mental, social, financial, and other areas of life all felt good? They might not be in perfect balance—personally, I don’t believe in striving for a perfect balance where everything is 100%. But what if every area of your life was above 50% and felt good? For me, this is what a good life means: a life where every area—physical, mental, social, spiritual, even sexual—is nurtured and feels better.

A lot of us, myself included, might start out thinking that career success and making money are the most important things, only to realize later that these aren’t the only pieces of the puzzle (I’m literally reminding myself as I type this). Real fulfilment usually comes from living a well-rounded life where we’ve put effort into different areas of our being.

Think about the difference between people who seem truly content in their later years and those who don’t. The ones who are happy often spend time nurturing all the different parts of their lives—building strong relationships, following their passions, staying healthy, and finding purpose beyond just work. Their joy and fulfilment don’t just depend on how much money they make.

This is a reminder that taking a holistic approach to life, starting early is so important. When we consistently care for all aspects of our lives, we’re more likely to feel a lasting sense of completeness as we move through each stage of life.

To begin…

The very first approach is to understand what exactly a "whole" good life means. In popular teachings, it's termed "holistic living".

Holistic living means having balance in your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s about keeping harmony in all areas of your life and approaching healing from the perspective of being whole. - (Source)

This philosophy pushes us to find balance and harmony in every part of our lives, knowing that if we ignore one area, it can throw everything else off.

Next, it’s important to define success, a good life, and happiness on your own terms. I remember writing an old piece on Medium where I mentioned why people are unhappy. It comes down to not defining success for ourselves. Comparison steals our joy when we look at others and think that because they have money or a better career, their life must be better. But we forget that we might actually be in a better situation if we define success, happiness, and a good life for ourselves.

  • Define success, a good life and happiness on your terms
  • Make time for other areas of your life. You’re never too busy.

Take a deep breath…and out…

What would genuinely make you happy?

Living a good life isn’t something that just happens by chance—it’s about the choices we make every day. This is where being intentional, living with purpose, and adding value come together to shape a life that truly feels fulfilling.

When I talk about intentionality, I’m talking about living deliberately—making choices on purpose, whether it’s how we spend our time or where we put our energy. It’s not about just going through the motions, but really aligning what we do with what we care about and where we want to go in life.

Then there’s purpose. It’s like the compass that guides our intentionality. It’s the reason behind our actions, giving us something to hold on to when things get tough and making all our efforts feel worthwhile.

And value—that’s both what we bring into our own lives and what we give to others. When we live intentionally and with purpose, we naturally start adding value, whether it’s through our work, our relationships, or how we contribute to the world around us.

These ideas all feed into each other. The more we live with purpose, the more value we create, and the more intentional we become about how we live our lives. It’s like a cycle that keeps building on itself, helping us craft a life that not only looks good on paper but actually feels good day to day.

I’m not here to give you a TED talk or try to inspire you with some big speech; I’m just sharing where I’m at in my life right now. This newsletter is all about you and me getting better together, and I’m just here to share my discoveries and lessons.

To wrap up, there’s no perfect balance, but there is fairness. I don’t believe perfect balance is possible in some aspects of life. Balance is unique, ideal, and individual. It might never be perfect, but it can be better. Reflect today on what a good life means to you. For me, it’s a life where every area is nurtured and progressive. I’ve attached a short clip from my Instagram where I talk more about this.​



Gigii's Bank Of Discoveries

Interesting and boring things I found on the internet that just make sense:

​Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator (Video): I mentioned this in the last issue, but I'm bringing it up again because I finally watched it, and it was not only really good but also genuinely helpful!

​The Rise And Fall Of The Medici Family (Video): I've been researching a lot about this powerful and influential dynasty! I'm so amazed by their lives and work across Europe that I put them in my content calendar to share all I've learned. :D


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I started reading this book when I was trying to build a team for my little nonprofit, and it’s taught me a lot as both a leader and a follower.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

  • Rather than trying to force change on myself or others, I’ve learned to focus on changing the environment or circumstances. This way, positive change happens more naturally.
  • Create a supportive work environment for anyone working with me—whether I’m leading or just part of the team. It makes work and life easier for everyone involved.

👉🏼 If you’re in a leadership role or part of a team, make it a priority to create a space where everyone feels safe and valued. When people feel secure and supported, they’re more likely to be fully engaged and willing to give their best. This benefits not just the organization, but also makes for a more fulfilling and productive experience for everyone. As we’ve touched on before, the more value we create, the more intentional we are with our lives, and the better we become.


The Other Spicy Things...

video preview​

I dropped a new vlog on YouTube. Rate my editing skills in the comments, subscribe and share, please. Thank you!


To a better life,


Get 1% better at entrepreneurship, marketing or life. You choose.

I share content on entrepreneurship, marketing and better living. You get to decide the content you care about. Every other week, I send out an email that will help you either get better at business, marketing or help you live a better life. I also share 2-3 resources (discoveries) on these topics that may be helpful to you. The goal of every issue is you help you learn, relearn or unlearn on these topics. 100+ founders, marketers, and intentional individuals read them.

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