
Get 1% better at entrepreneurship, marketing or life. You choose.

I share content on entrepreneurship, marketing and better living. You get to decide the content you care about. Every other week, I send out an email that will help you either get better at business, marketing or help you live a better life. I also share 2-3 resources (discoveries) on these topics that may be helpful to you. The goal of every issue is you help you learn, relearn or unlearn on these topics. 100+ founders, marketers, and intentional individuals read them.

🌶️ Book review: Stories For The Journey Through Life

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living. From The Desk Of A Multipotentialite includes my discoveries, life lessons and thoughts to help you live a better and fulfilling life. It also covers ideas that will help you get 1% better. Read and share previous issues here. I am slowly reading an ebook by Tom Greene titled Stories For The Journey Through Life. It demonstrates the different phases of our human existence, and how to make the...
This issue in a quote

🌶 Branding or not for entrepreneurs? Pt 1 with Amaka Agbo

The founders-led content approach has become one of the most effective ways to build awareness and credibility as an entrepreneur today. I don’t have a fancy stat to support this, but it’s evident all over the internet with founders posting about their businesses and products on LinkedIn, X, and even Instagram. It’s not just about saying, “I’m building the next generation of skincare,” but about showcasing a personality that supports your brand and product’s mission and vision. In our...
Image screenshot of how I use claude to review content goals and objectives

🌶️ Examples of how you can use AI more effectively

A day hasn’t passed without me seeing at least two people screaming about how AI is ruining their daily bread and why people shouldn’t embrace it. Frankly speaking, I thought we’d be cool with AI by now. I mean, there’s no going back from here. In fact, it’s so here that teams and businesses not using AI in some way are starting to look "different.” 👀. The problem with the anti-AI club is they limit AI to tools like ChatGPT and Gemini or think it’s only for writing and content ideas. But AI...
Triduum vlog preview

🌶️ What does a good life mean to you?

I've noticed a common thread among many public figures and idols: “More money” isn't exactly the problem behind their unhappiness. Instead, it's because, during their lives and hard pursuit of more money, they forgot or neglected other areas of their lives until it was too late—or at least until they felt it was too late. Let's be clear: money doesn't exactly buy happiness, but it sure makes life easier. Money makes life feel better. However, it's not about acquiring more material things, but...
Today's issue in a quote

🌶 Branding for early and operating startups with Lade Falobi

Hello triber, One thing we'll be doing this year (in this newsletter community) is sharing insights from professionals and other entrepreneurs on topics related to starting, marketing, and scaling a business (in today's digital world). In the spirit of that, we will discuss branding for startups, with expert insights from Lade Falobi, the General Manager at With over 5 years in marketing, she has worked closely with B2B and SaaS startups helping them sell better to users. She...
Today's issue in an art

🌶 Content, the new god.

The conversation now isn’t whether you should create content today. I mean, every business should. But it’s more about how you keep attention in such a distracted world by trying out new content styles and ideas. Who are you collaborating with? What stories are you telling? And how are you doing your campaigns better than you did a year or two ago? Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the Olympics 2024, and we’re doing everything to ensure more people are watching. Well, that’s what they are doing....

🌶️ These 6 things may be costing you your sanity and well-being

Mental health should be taught in schools, just like home economics and physical first aid. If we had more mental health education as kids, things might have been different or better. Mental health is often overlooked, especially in countries like Nigeria, where most people live to survive and not thrive. Unfortunately, the world is increasingly adopting this survival mode of living, where the lack of peace of mind is becoming as common as food scarcity. Many distractions keep us from the...

🌶️ Random Business Resources You Need

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living. The Business Tribe covers notes, lessons and conversations on entrepreneurship, stuff to help you get better at marketing and growing a business; with resources on business that you'd need. Read and share previous issues here. Share this newsletter with a friend Share Notes For A Fellow Founder Hey triber, Life has been challenging since the last time I wrote. It felt like the world was testing...

🌶️A fresher way to create content that supports business goals

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living. In The Marketing Room is one of the 3 parts of the newsletter. It covers marketing topics, marketing resources, and examples to inspire your marketing. And stuff in between that will interest you. I am 3 weeks behind schedule in the newsletter. I'm stuck between publishing weekly to stick to the schedule and publishing only when I have something valuable to say. Today's issue is proudly...

🌶️ Meaningful lessons on building a work team

Welcome to Gigii's Room, a diversified newsletter on marketing, entrepreneurship and better living. The Business Tribe is one of the three parts of Gigii's Room. It covers notes, lessons and conversations on entrepreneurship, stuff to help you get better at marketing and growing a business; with resources on business that you'd need. 5 minutes read. You'll save lots of points and ideas from my personal experience, I promise. Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here <3 Notes For A...

I share content on entrepreneurship, marketing and better living. You get to decide the content you care about. Every other week, I send out an email that will help you either get better at business, marketing or help you live a better life. I also share 2-3 resources (discoveries) on these topics that may be helpful to you. The goal of every issue is you help you learn, relearn or unlearn on these topics. 100+ founders, marketers, and intentional individuals read them.